This simple fiction enabled corporations to acquire wealth, expand, and become the preferred organizational form for businesses of all sizes.
California, which passed its deregulation law last fall, will enable corporations, universities and other big customers to choose their energy provider in 1998.
It's difficult to imagine a greater threat to American democracy - or to our national security - than a decision enabling foreign corporations to influence our elections.
One investor asked Mr. Smith how many transactions A.I.G. had arranged that enabled corporations to improperly bolster their earnings reports.
Would make permanent the "poison pill" law enabling corporations that are targets for hostile takeovers to dilute their stock, permitting shareholders to purchase shares at a reduced cost.
One reason why merger activity accelerated was low interest rates, which enabled corporations to sell debt to pay for a range of large acquisitions or planned takeovers.
This has enabled American corporations to prosper, while avoiding the restructuring they need to make them globally competitive.
The company supplies templates in the UK which were created to enable corporations and law firms to provide professional documents & contracts to customers online.
All of which serves, the film maintains, to help leaders avoid practising democracy, enables rich corporations to get richer, and creates an ever more alienated population.
But the commercials proliferated because they enabled unions, corporations and other groups to try to influence campaigns without being subject to Federal regulations that govern donations to specific candidates.