Eventually, he said, computer software will be developed to enable doctors to screen patients for susceptibility to sudden cardiac death.
However, some drugs have a better side effect profile than others, enabling doctors to adjust treatment regimens to the advantage of patients in certain situations.
It enabled doctors to create a much more natural hairline and achieve far better hair distribution overall.
Said Maki: "There is a need to challenge a system that enables doctors to abuse patients without repercussion or reproach."
Advances in medical technology have enabled doctors to detect lacunar strokes with increasing frequency.
Someday it may also help pave the way for transfers of tissue between different species, enabling doctors to overcome a shortage of donor organs.
For me, this is about individuals choosing when and how they will die, and enabling doctors to ensure this does not result in extra suffering.
They system will enable doctors around the state to share X-rays and other medical documents and images.
But little by little, one builds up the scar tissue that enables journalists, doctors, soldiers, cops and undertakers to function.