Even if they enable encryption and post the password on a sign, everyone still gets a nice encrypted channel.
Enabling "Off the record" inside Gmail's Chat turns off logging of messages, but does not enable encryption.
Integrated DLP provides multiple layers of protection for devices, enabling encryption, geo-location, and remote data delete capabilities.
But he says, "Why is it so hard for online synching and backup services to enable client-side pre-Internet encryption?"
And he also tweeted, "If an online backup/synching service were to enable pre-Internet encryption, would that break synching between different machines?"
Assuming a recovery partition exists or can be created, a restart is required to enable encryption.
This is the reverse of the Vigenère cipher, which here enables decryption rather than encryption.
D'Amo enables high-speed encryption by column, and allows for the separation of database management from security management through two-tiered access control.
Yes, but manufacturers are getting smarter about it and enabling always-on seamless encryption in hardware.
I've enabled full-disk encryption with Apple's built-in FileVault feature.