The long reach spark plug (M12 thread) also enabled engineers to enlarge the valve diameter for increased airflow and combustion efficiency.
This enables architects, lighting designers, and engineers to determine whether a proposed lighting setup will deliver the amount of light intended.
Such computer analyses should enable engineers to experiment with new shapes for turbine blades without having to build a whole engine.
The pods are easily swapped or changed, enabling engineers to customize an OmniMech's components for any given mission.
Short practical courses and study packs designed to enable managers, engineers and researchers to update their knowledge of a range of new technologies.
This facility enabled engineers to hot-fire full-scale Centaur Rockets in simulated space conditions.
Improvements in construction enabled engineers to dispense with a separate chassis, allowing passengers to sit lower in the vehicle.
According to Mercedes-Benz, using simulator during the product development stage reduced costs, time and also enabled engineers to accurately identify the different settings on the vehicle.
Instead, occupation became the main factor in determining who could enter the country, enabling Indian doctors, engineers and other professionals to get visas and green cards.
This concept explained many former paradoxes, and enabled subsequent engineers to analyze far more complex flows.