The software is a complete cloud management platform designed to enable enterprises and service providers to design, deploy, manage and protect IT as a cloud service.
Their products are aimed to enable government and enterprises to make sense of the vast information they collect to meet performance and security goals.
FlexComputing enabled enterprises to rapidly deploy and update applications as needed in multiple hosting locations.
The high priority given to military production has traditionally enabled military-industrial enterprises to commandeer the best managers, labor, and materials from civilian plants.
Over the last few editions the focus has also shifted to start-ups in categories like social enterprises, with a strong focus on technology enabled social enterprises.
Opening up public services: our public service reforms will enable charities, social enterprises, private companies and employee-owned co-operatives to compete to offer people high quality services.
But we must also improve Europe's competitiveness by enabling small and medium-sized enterprises to invest, because that is where the jobs are created.
We must also assist in promoting marketing structures to cooperatives to enable small enterprises to compete and successfully market their products.
That was a practical measure that enabled very small enterprises to get access to finance.
Enfora was established in 1999 and is a provider of wireless networking solutions that enable enterprises to access, analyze and leverage information from their geographically dispersed assets.