STEVE: And the lesson is, this is not to avoid, I mean, this is not to enable piracy.
With Stone's counsel, Napster was sued by the Recording Industry Association of America on behalf of record labels for enabling piracy on an 'unprecedented scale'.
The ChevronWP7 developers insisted that they were not in favor of piracy-homebrew development was their focus-and that their tool did not enable piracy.
Thank the pirates who enabled piracy for this, and much more DRM to come on future PS3 games.
Isn't writing a rooting article stepping on B&N's right to make money and directly enabling piracy?
"The media companies have a legitimate concern that the medium of the Internet enables piracy, but there is also an unsavory concern that they are losing their traditional distribution mechanism."
The head of Warner Brothers music said the reason they'd never get in the business of MP3s and digital music, is that it only enabled further piracy.
Any site accused of "enabling or facilitating piracy" could be shut down.
I see this only affecting sites which genuinely enable piracy.
Though this poses a reverse engineering risk-access to the XAPs enables anyone to examine the compiled code-this didn't immediately enable piracy.