Those revenues enabled programs that seemed lavish to neighboring districts, like free violin lessons, a small demonstration farm, a television studio and sailing on the Hudson for science students.
While this new featue stands to enable programs that produced run-time symbol conflicts in 10.0.
Great efforts were made by IBM to enable programs originally written for the System/34 and /36 to be moved to the AS/400.
The university provides three degree programs at the campus, including one of the university's enabling programs - Open Foundation.
Great effort was made during development of the AS/400 to enable programs written for the System/34 and System/36 to be moved to the AS/400.
It would only be purchased if needed to speed up or enable math-intensive programs.
This program has enabled the Indian Health Service, tribes, and urban Indian programs to develop new diabetes prevention and treatment grant programs.
It can serve simultaneously as a universal translator - enabling programs to move fluidly between incompatible operating systems - and as a go-fer.
This technology substantially simplified programming by enabling programs to be written in C/C++.
This will enable various projects, offices, and programs to solicit ideas from the public in a standardized form at low cost to the Agency.