KCRC has indicated that such an arrangement would enable recovery of the corporation's earlier costs on the project.
This also enables rapid and reliable recovery from an easily accessible disk instead of waiting to locate and mount tapes.
The exchanger comes into service when the calcium concentration rises steeply or "spikes" and enables rapid recovery.
The White House protests that it has already preserved sufficient backup tapes to enable future recovery of any missing emails.
If legislation is passed to enable recovery of medical and legal expenses from the drug producers, they would adopt more prudent marketing and sales policies.
Latterly the trust has aided services which provide early diagnosis of cancers with a view to enabling early treatment and, ideally, recovery.
Elasticity enables recovery to an original form upon the removal of the force.
Backup is the concepts behind backing up data to enable recovery from data loss.
Equally important, they hoped this method would enable recovery when the wind tilted the machine to one side (lateral balance).
He inspires audiences to create environments which leverage collective thinking in order to reach challenging decisions that enable recovery from difficult situations.