I know that extensive training went on to enable people to carry out the assessments.
Our students experience training that enables them to carry out their own research programs and publish in leading academic journals.
He eventually found out where they lived and other information about them that enabled him to carry out his plans.
Its high speed enables it to carry out a rescue role.
If you want to get married, or go back to school, that should be enough to enable you to carry out your plans.
"That's more important than anything else because it will restore confidence and enable her to carry out an agenda."
The good Ridgeway, he enables me to carry it out.
And in dying, you are going to enable me to carry out the plan.
I am referring, for example, to the use of new technologies that will enable women scientists to carry out their work from home.
The ruling is likely to enable states to carry out death sentences more quickly.