It enables them to utilize separate vendors - one for their 'look & feel' designers and other(s) for their programming requirements.
This has been hypothesized to enable the birds to utilize marine thermals created by small differences between tropical air and water temperatures.
"Most basements are not habitable, but this enables you to utilize the basement as living space," Mr. Neisloss said.
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Of course, even the slightest lead would enable Schroeder to utilize Rogers more.
Lectora also enables users to utilize an array of multi-media files to create more engaging content.
Government should take additional steps to enable these and other community institutions to better utilize their connectivity to provide a better quality of life for all people.
Michael Powell stated Americans benefit most when policies enable consumers and businesses to fully utilize the benefits of emerging technology.
Thing: In this reality, Thing wore a suit that enables him to utilize super-strength.
The coming era of the sound film in 1930s enabled Hašler to utilize his singing skills.