In order for germination to occur, the hard seed coat must be broken to enable water to reach the embryo.
This enables water that has been used in the final rinse for previous dishes to be boosted on the next batch to clear off detergents.
This enabled water to be pumped to irrigate thousands of acres of rice.
Paper towels soak up water because they are loosely woven which enables water to travel between them, even against gravity.
This additional construction enabled water to be delivered to the higher-lying areas of the city through pressurised pipes.
Throughout history, societies devised systems to enable water to be brought to population centres.
Carrying foaming agents to enable water to stay on the surface of a liquid fire and prevent gas release.
Act as a surfactant, enabling additional water and fats to be incorporated in the stool, making it easier to move.
A dam was built across the lake in 1930 to enable water to be supplied to the nearby coastal villages.
Drainage holes were provided at the base to enable accumulated water to drain away easily.