Reforming California's conservatorship laws, enacting sweeping protections for seniors and dependent adults facing abuse (Assembly Bill 1363 of 2006).
Trade agreements that fail to require other countries to enact environmental protections have driven a wedge between Mr. Gore and his favorite constituency.
Such arbitrary practices warrant condemnation anywhere, but are doubly deplorable in Tunisia, a relatively developed country that enacted pioneering protections of women's rights decades ago.
It seeks to enact legal protections for authorized medical marijuana patients, in the House of Representatives.
"Some want to enact new protections for gun manufacturers," Mr. Gore said in the speech.
Experts promote enacting global protections and increasing current conservation efforts while ocean life is still diverse enough for the ecosystems to recover.
CTA led efforts to outlaw child labor in the state and enact other protections for children (1915), and to strengthen the teacher due process law (1921).
It favors guarding Social Security and Medicare against privatization, enacting environmental protections, making health insurance available to all and protecting abortion rights.
This Act enacted the rules and protections granted to Trade Unions in India.
Congress should enact strong protections against government monitoring of library use.