Especially strangers who reacted strongly to the King's own enchanted horse.
The barshi recalled now how the mercenary had not reacted in the manner described by the King on his first meeting with the enchanted horse.
But when he came to the enchanted horse, the princess declared that she could never have imagined anything half so surprising.
She slowly approached the enchanted horse, and with the help of her ladies, she mounted on its back.
Anger kindled in Geoffrey's eyes, but Magnus said, "An enchanted horse.
"Summat to do with enchanted horses that can break ensorcelled silver?"
He sometimes rides a chariot of enchanted Olympian horses.
Let's get to your ship with speed and forget blue suns and enchanted horses as quickly as we may.
An enchanted horse of medieval folklore which was incredibly swift.
His father, fearing the consequences, threw him out with some money, an enchanted horse, and an enchanted dog.