They are encoded separately just like they were in an amplitude-shift keying (ASK) modulator.
In fact, the three ideographs for "one" are encoded separately in Unicode, as they are not considered national variants.
In this case each of the two surrogates is encoded separately in UTF-8.
"Discrete" means that each channel of sound is encoded separately from every other channel, instead of the averaging process used in matrixing.
However, the source separation rule states that characters encoded separately in an earlier character set would remain separate in the new Unicode encoding.
A slice is a spatially distinct region of a frame that is encoded separately from any other region in the same frame.
The basic principle of chain codes is to separately encode each connected component, or "blob", in the image.
Uncials not encoded separately in Unicode as of this section's writing.
In Unicode, Fraktur is considered a font of the Latin script, and is not encoded separately.
This model theorizes that each encounter with a stimulus is encoded and stored separately as an individual episode.