Known as the Theater District, the project encompasses seven underused blocks of the 30-block city center.
The districts encompass 79 square blocks.
In total, it would encompass 31 blocks comprising more than 500 buildings, the oldest of which date back to around 1827.
Wilmington boasts one of the largest historic districts encompassing nearly 300 blocks.
Encompassing 135 blocks, the current curfew covers more than twice what was covered under the previous law, and the police are now vowing to enforce the law.
The Historical District within Calvert encompasses 37 complete and 9 partial blocks.
The district encompasses 17 individual blocks (13 identified in 1975 and four new in 1996).
East Village encompasses 130 blocks between Seventh Avenue east to 18th Street.
Thus was born the association, which started out with two blocks and now encompasses 36 blocks, 60 buildings and an active membership of several hundred people and businesses.
The district encompasses 3 blocks of Ritzville's main business district and contains 27 contributing properties, most of which were built between 1889 and 1920.