In the last scene in the film, two modern blind men encounter Jesus and his disciples.
The Count's soul descends into purgatory, where he encounters Jesus.
Encountering Jesus & Buddha: Their Lives and Teachings.
The submarine is destroyed, and the commander's soul descends into hell, where he encounters Jesus.
The Bible does not say whether she had encountered Jesus in person prior to this.
He states that he then encountered Jesus, who told him to tell other people that hell is real.
Reid links the joy felt with the Magi upon first encountering Jesus with the joy of the disciples upon doing the same at Matthew 13:20.
But could they have been seeing a hallucination that convinced them they were encountering Jesus when they really weren't?
As Rayford looked around, he could see from every face that each person had personally encountered Jesus.
According to the New Testament, some Christians reported that they encountered Jesus after his crucifixion.