The separation is very small, he said, but enough to allow the rupture front of an earthquake to travel many miles without encountering friction.
During his entire period of command of the division, Custer encountered considerable friction and near mutiny from the volunteer cavalry regiments who had campaigned along the Gulf coast.
A couple of gravities, maybe, as they began to encounter serious friction from Caern's atmosphere.
With Likud, it was thought, he would encounter friction in peacemaking but find it easier to tackle the domestic conflicts.
While all this is going on, Neil encounters friction, both with his friends Mat and Erik, and with his girlfriend Lisa.
The four men encounter friction with the locals, some of whom appear to be inbred.
Because the suction side is covered with vapor instead of water it encounters very low viscous friction, making the supercavitating (SC) propeller comparably efficient at high speed.
Like a ball, properly inflated tires have less contact with the road, which means they encounter less friction, so the engine doesn't have to work as hard to move the car.
Low rolling resistance tires are harder than regular tires, so they encounter even less friction.
They say that Hispanic Americans encounter friction after their neighborhoods swell and their culture and language begin to be noticed.