He encountered enthusiastic crowds everywhere he went, and minimal protests.
The cancellation was announced after Vladimir Vihan, the mayor of Prague, encountered vehement protests for deciding to close the bridge for the party, given by Louis Vuitton, the luxury-goods concern.
However the players encountered hostility and protests from the black communities of the towns they visited, and on Feb. 13 it was agreed to cut the tour short by two weeks.
Nuclear Backlash in India Two weeks after India set off five nuclear tests, the Hindu nationalist-led Government encountered protests from lawmakers reflecting rising disquiet about the costs of acquiring nuclear weapons.
Its main project is the Corrib gas project, a large gas field off the northwest coast, for which Shell has encountered controversy and protests in relation to the onshore pipeline and licence terms.
Still, experts said yesterday that the plan could encounter protests and even lawsuits because it was guided, as was its predecessor, by the goal of selling development rights to the highest bidder.
Along the way, he encounters protests, arrests and torture.
The United States has long been concerned about the possibility that top officials would encounter anti-American protests in Latin America.
The month-long world tour encountered wide-scale protests.
When the governors and sheriffs attempted conducting in Norway the oppressive practices and virtual slavery that were common in Denmark, they encountered firm resistance and vigorous protests from the Norwegian self-owning farmers.