I encountered numerous similar reactions throughout my weekend driving the aqua T-Bird at elementary school soccer games, cruising Detroit's famous Woodward Avenue on a warm Saturday night and at dinner at a fancy restaurant.
In the years after his return to Prague in 1874, Fibich's music encountered severely negative reactions in the Prague musical community, stemming from his (and Smetana's) adherence to Richard Wagner's theories on opera.
Krzysztof Sliwinski, an official in the Polish Foreign Ministry responsible for liaison with Jewish groups overseas, said he had encountered mixed reactions to the museum.
As June matured and her complexion darkened, she and her mother encountered racist reactions, including a petition from residents of their Manhattan building demanding that they leave.
It explores the differences between French and American cultural values through a story about a veteran cartoonist who encounters conflicting reactions to his work during a trip abroad.
Many of the survivors encountered similar reactions.
It is very unlikely that this lad will encounter negative reactions from clothes shops - they are shops, they sell clothes, why would they wish to alienate a customer?
Over the years, a number of proposals to increase transmission capacity to the New York City and Long Island markets have encountered hostile reactions and determined opposition from environmental groups and communities along the planned paths.
Later it occurred to her that it might have encountered less positive reactions to its name.