The company encourages dissent, enabling customers to cheer or gripe about the latest recommendation.
"Especially if any of the Federation's rivals, such as the Romulans, decide to encourage dissent through covert means."
Several thinkers have argued that a healthy society needs not only to protect, but also to encourage dissent.
A few companies actually encourage dissent, hoping that debate will fuel the educational process.
Encourage debate and dissent and make room for risk takers who sometimes get it wrong.
She wasn't going to encourage dissent just to validate her own opinions.
It asserts egalitarian tastes, encourages dissent and does not shun desire.
Therefore, there is no reason whatsoever to encourage further dissent, panic and fear!
He encouraged dissent in his inner circle.
For years the headscarf was frowned upon and sometimes banned on the ground that it encouraged dissent among children of different religions.