That hardly encourages hopes that consumers will spend enough to work off the inventory stockpile.
I do not wish to encourage hopes that may be false, but there are cases when injury is not vital and perhaps only temporary.
The nation's active reform movement, with a solid parliamentary majority, encouraged hopes for further dialogue.
The Pan Africanists encourage such hopes as a birthright.
The trio's return to fitness has encouraged hopes that they will be available to play some part against the Pilgrims.
"I doubt it'll happen," Augustus said, not wishing to encourage faint hopes.
They encourage hopes that after many zigzags, flights of fancy and dead ends, real change is about to take place in their lives.
New York, where blacks and Hispanics constitute about 30 percent of the Democratic primary voters, might encourage such hopes.
This was small consolation, but Miss Mills wouldn't encourage fallacious hopes.
For tactical reasons, Hitler repeatedly encouraged such hopes.