"Seeing what the Mets have gone through this year has been encouraging in a way because you know that they are willing to look at young guys."
Sometimes Berryman told Merwin his poems were terrible, but he was encouraging too, in a "guarded" way.
It had been encouraging to him, in a perverse way, that she had found her own reasons to distance herself from Nicolae.
That encourages experiential learning and socialisation in a way that few Western special education or therapeutic settings do.
At a higher level, confusion is encouraged in a much more subtle and insidious and dangerous way.
Aphrodite encouraged him in a friendly way.
The tolls are publicized for users and designed to encourage road use in a way that minimizes traffic jams.
The first is an important provision that not only benefits citizens, but also encourages in a practical way the development of the single market.
That is being encouraged and acknowledged in a positive way by the Commission.
Some forms of public art are designed to encourage audience participation in a hands-on way.