This foundation is especially available a scholarship to encourage and support a doctoral dissertation in the field of history of our time.
The National Space Club offers a major scholarship each year to encourage study in the field of engineering and science.
It encourages research and publication in the field and maintains high standards in the teaching of anatomy.
Most universities also have outreach programs including public telescope time and sometimes planetariums as a public service to encourage interest in the field.
The Department of German encourages research work particularly in the modern field.
Another aim is to encourage networking and exchange of information between different actors in the field.
It was established in response to the need to encourage the highest levels of professionalism in the field of sustainability.
To work with - effectively with the Soviets to - to better our relationship and, certainly, to encourage in the field of human rights more openness.
The Agreement also encourages cooperation in the field of scientific research.
This designation is intended to encourage research and development in the field of life sciences, by providing incentives to locate at the site.