He is also likely to encourage opposition to the American missile defense plan during his visit to Beijing.
Some of the people who emigrated to the West at this time founded organizations which encouraged anti-Communist opposition inside Poland.
Some of the people who emigrated to the West thereafter, founded organizations which encouraged anticommunist opposition inside Poland.
Crawford's modest but burgeoning support may have encouraged stronger opposition to Morrison to emerge in 1966.
Other aims would be to keep international attention on the conditions of life inside Iraq, and to encourage opposition to the Baghdad Government, the diplomats said.
The Administration should also consider reviving its efforts to encourage political opposition within Iraq.
Some delegates, however, faulted him for emphasizing what the United States would never accept, saying it ended up encouraging more active opposition to American positions.
What the media should not do is cause friction and division within society and especially it should not encourage opposition or resistance to government decrees.
My group will never agree to a policy of this kind, but we will do everything we can to encourage opposition to it.
President Johnson was reluctant to mobilize reserves because he feared a call-up would encourage public opposition to the conflict.