The 43 percent increase was met with demonstrations, and civic groups encouraged passengers to enter through exit gates without paying.
Mr. Shea encouraged fellow passengers to write to authority board members, urging them to block the proposal.
The ferries have been criticized because of the low prices of alcoholic beverages which encourage passengers to become drunk and act irresponsibly.
They noted that the Transit Authority has encouraged passengers to ride in the conductor's car in the middle of the train, particularly at off hours.
In March Eurotunnel encouraged passengers in its advertising to "turn up and go" without reservations one weekend.
RTA first encouraged passengers to transfer at East 34th Station where a platform level connection had existed since 1971.
Most do not offer reserved seating, hoping to encourage passengers to board early and quickly, thus decreasing turnaround times.
In order to encourage passengers to cycle to stations, 2,500 secure bicycle stands are planned.
A British Airways spokeswoman, for example, said cabin crews routinely encouraged passengers to perform simple exercises in their seat to help blood circulation.
Various passenger rights groups reported the case and encouraged passengers to bring claims against airlines in the event of a delay of over three hours.