Joe also complained that as part of the marketing and promotional schemes, Lilly encouraged physicians by means of monetary payments.
Schering-Plough did more than encourage physicians to place patients on Intron A, many of the physicians said.
The foundation has encouraged not only health plans but also physicians and hospitals to collect and report results.
Even professional conferences are being held to encourage physicians with literary aspirations.
Pisculli's more general objective was to encourage physicians and nurses to learn to fly and parachute jump, so that they might put these skills to use in emergency medicine.
Both articles encouraged biomedical researchers and physicians to adopt computer technology.
Dr. Young said he hoped the educational campaign would encourage more hospitals, physicians and medical schools to take similar steps.
The Mayor also urged changes in Medicaid rates set by the state to encourage private physicians to treat more poor patients and expressed support for universal health insurance.
"We need to find a way to encourage and compensate physicians for the time they spend on educating and discussing things with patients."
Some items proposed for the medical kit at first were eliminated lest they encourage physicians aboard to think diversion was not necessary.