Procter's culture, which encourages promotion from within, will clearly be tested as Gillette executives come aboard.
As the company encourages internal promotion, the prospects for successful recruits are excellent.
The prize is also designed to encourage the translation and promotion of Arabic language literature into other major world languages.
Newman's collection forms the basis of the museum foundation's mission, which is to encourage the research and promotion of communication and design in Mexico.
He introduced a new playing style and encouraged the development and promotion of young players.
He has said one of his main goals will be to encourage promotion of the benefits of membership.
And they good departments do encourage development and promotion and good management practices but again less visible to the individual employee.
To encourage the establishment, promotion and use of libraries in the Maltese Islands.
She financially supported the recording of his compositions and did much to encourage the publishing and promotion of church music.
He encouraged promotion through examination rather than seniority.