Nehru conducted joint tours with Pakistani leaders to encourage peace and calm angry and disillusioned refugees.
He arranged for further Mennonite immigration and also encouraged Icelandic immigrants and Jewish refugees from Germany and elsewhere to settle in Manitoba.
But he promised that Dutch money would be spent on rebuilding houses in Srebrenica to encourage Muslim refugees to return.
The party had one issue on its party program; to encourage immigrants and refugees to return to their native country, and if necessary send them out by force.
In turn, the Palestinians would give up their right of return to Israel proper and instead encourage Palestinian refugees to settle in the new Palestinian state.
CARE International now runs one of two Italian camps and tries to encourage refugees there to move to Camp Hope.
In 1992, the agency encouraged Tutsi refugees to return to Burundi and some were killed by Hutu.
Because of concerns about security, the United Nations had been reluctant until today to encourage refugees to return.
As ruler of Africa, Roger aimed to encourage Muslim refugees in Sicily to re-settle in Africa, and issued a decree to this effect.