Until the 1950s, the vicinity of the Italian Swiss border encouraged smuggling.
Reduction of domestic taxes enables the local producer to supply at a lower cost and bring down the price disparity that encourages smuggling.
European settlement began in 1769 as part of an effort to populate California, although trade restrictions encouraged more smuggling than regular business.
Economic sanctions from abroad have encouraged smuggling.
What's more, the companies have long argued, says the Times , against higher cigarette taxes by suggesting that an increase would encourage smuggling.
It encourages smuggling and theft and there is a risk of items going underground and therefore becoming lost to science.
The claim that the increase in excise would encourage smuggling is not proven.
These differences must be levelled, because they encourage massive smuggling and fraud.
Tobacco companies argue that higher taxes encourage smuggling.
The low fuel prices also encourage smuggling and impede needed development of petrochemical industries.