Harry had been waiting for a chance to encourage faster travel.
I was newly married to a busy husband, had a job that encouraged travel, and wasn't terribly enthusiastic about settling in.
Numerous special fares were introduced to encourage travel, develop niche markets and overcome competitors.
Encourages travel within the speed limit to meet green lights.
A dramatic increase in evening and weekend service would encourage discretionary travel, strengthening the economy.
Rather than encourage travel, this piece can transfix.
The low prices and the good weather have encouraged travel, and demand for gasoline has been very strong, he said.
Domestic hotels like the Marriott Corporation have also begun to offer lower rates to encourage travel in the summer.
US-412 was extended into Oklahoma in 1988 to encourage recreational travel and the resulting economic benefit to the state.
In recent years, the government has extended the holiday to a full week and encouraged travel in hopes of stimulating the economy.