This general approach would be another example of a developing Administration strategy aimed at encouraging public-private collaboration on a variety of economic, technological and environmental issues.
The Center has particular strength on issues involving arms control as well as governance and security, and has a long history of encouraging collaboration between social and natural scientists.
The result, Ms. Bailey says, is that "colleges and universities have moved much more to encouraging collaboration on the part of students."
It is focussed on encouraging collaboration on marketing, skills development, procurement, project development and regional growth.
In any development plan ways of encouraging collaboration between primary health care practitioners - both doctors and nurses - and their hospital based colleagues should be actively pursued.
That it may have been difficult for members to attend area sessions, should not rule out the possibility of encouraging collaboration among groups of local boards.
Admittedly, Kroetz's plays are like scenarios, allowing and even encouraging directorial collaboration.
For local authorities, the main benefit of encouraging collaboration will be efficiency and long term cost savings.
Providing communication capabilities even in an environment that was not originally designed for carrying out collaboration is an interesting way of encouraging collaboration.
During his campaign Mr. Giuliani proposed strictly limiting stays in shelters and he also spoke frequently of encouraging public-private collaborations to solve many of the city's problems.