Data are transferred in an encrypted format to a central server at the Uppsala Clinical Research Center.
The stolen passwords, which were in an encrypted format, were decrypted and posted on a Russian password decryption forum later on that day.
The information should be stored in an encrypted format.
This book was converted from its encrypted digital format by CallerX and Luc.
The songs are sold in an encrypted format that Universal says will make it possible only for the purchaser to listen to them, and impossible for them to be exchanged freely via e-mail messages.
The system involves A&E departments in over 40 referring hospitals in the area, allowing them to send images and clinical information in an encrypted format to specialists at the QVH.
All SafeDisc encrypted discs contain an ICD file, an encrypted format used by SafeDisc to ensure that the original CD is loaded.
The department can receive bids in the electronic form which will be saved in an encrypted format.
Communications data and content are typically delivered from the network operator to the LEA in an encrypted format over an IP-based VPN.
It required music to be converted using the Toshiba Audio Application to an encrypted format.