The phone and headset will then automatically pair with one another using an encrypted link.
Such programs establish an encrypted link for you through the Internet, turning your wireless communiqués into anonymous Web traffic, and thus making them nearly impervious to hackers.
One of the things that happens when you're bringing up the encrypted link between the two endpoints is that the client generates a random number which it will be using for its session.
He called Alan in Washington from a secure Air Force office and was able to talk openly over the encrypted link.
After signing, the document can be sent over the encrypted link.
However, if the message is encrypted by SSL, the exit node cannot read the information, just as any encrypted link over the regular internet.
The term cone of silence has been adopted in pop culture for any system that prevents eavesdropping, usually by creating a private or encrypted link between the clients.
"This is an encrypted link, Major."
Users log in through an encrypted link, receive an ID number and password and may store their work if they do not finish in one sitting.
He accessed the car's net processor and established an encrypted link to the spaceplane.