The Pope was heartedly interested in ending World War I and in establishing an equitable peace between the fighting armies.
Just over a month after the armistice ended World War I, Truxtun bade farewell to Europe.
He spoke on the 75th anniversary of the armistice that ended World War I, which broke out after an assassination in Sarajevo.
Later in the book, following the November Armistice which ended World War I, political unrest begins to surface in the novel.
August - The United States formally ends World War I, declaring a peace with Germany.
Meanwhile, the Armistice ended World War I and curtailed the Allies' need for nitrates.
It ended World War I and established the League of Nations.
Brecht wrote "Baal" in 1919, the year after the armistice ended World War I and the future playwright's military service as a medical orderly.
The Armistice with Germany ended World War I nine days later on 11 November 1918.
He thus ended World War I, although still a Major, with a high reputation as a staff officer.