If you really want to end abuses it means supporting Chinese workers' right to organise, strike and build their own organisations.
The bill's supporters say it would end abuses by high-income borrowers who file for bankruptcy to escape debts they are able to pay.
For him, ending abuses comes first.
He worked hard to end clerical abuses, strengthen churches and schools, and increase number of priests.
The intention behind this Quran passage was to end abuses of the right to marital renunciation dating from ancient customs.
And she asked for more progress in ending serious abuses of human rights.
But now mandatory spending limits have been removed from the legislation, which concentrates instead on ending abuses on the contribution side.
An inside body, it had little incentive to end abuses since these same officials often bask in test results' artificially enhanced glow.
The bill's supporters say that it would end abuses of the bankruptcy system by debtors who can repay some of their loans.
What pressure is the Council bringing to bear on the Iraqi regime in order to end abuses of human rights of this kind?