His hair is parted on the proper left, and its ends brush the tops of his ears.
The free end whipped around and brushed a couple of Jerry's robot legs, snapping them off like matchsticks.
The end of the silencer brushed her cheek, and he jerked the pistol away and shoved it in his belt.
It was a full, thick mustache, and the ends brushed his lip when he talked or smiled.
It was white lace, sewn with small sparkling brilliants, and its end brushed the ground.
The ends brushed her hips and it swirled and floated as she walked.
The end of it brushed the top of her thighs as it swung behind her.
The crumpled back end of the truck brushed the corner of the House as it turned.
Already splintered, a sharp end of wood brushed his side and nothing more.
The ends of it brushed my chest.