When my father hears of this, your company will be disbanded and you yourself ended horribly!
Greg reluctantly agrees, and Rodrick attempts to make Heather fall in love with him, though his attempt to do so ends horribly.
- Brookline, Massachusetts - 22 hours ago why do I see this kids life ending horribly???
Algeria was a thoroughly bloodthirsty war that ended horribly and cost the lives of about 20,000 Frenchmen and a million Algerians.
A second attempt ends horribly with him captured, and made into a zombie monster guarding the mound entrance referred to in the story's title.
An Olympic sledding race, like Waugh's car race, can end horribly.
Their first date ends horribly when Emma has Sean dig through the trash for her missing wallet (which turns out to be in her pocket).
That siege ended horribly, with 43 guards and convicts dead, nearly all from indiscriminate fire by New York state troopers.
The story ended horribly for Poland, and even more horribly for Polish Jews, all but a tiny remnant murdered.
"Once something was over with one of them, even if it ended horribly, that would only make me want to regain what I thought I had."