Its legs had bent backward, like a goat's, and ended not in feet but in huge cloven hooves.
What he saw was a great, round, buglike body supported upon two slender legs which ended in delicate feet - the toes curling upward.
Blond fur covered a stocky body and four legs that ended in heavily clawed feet.
Often the arms were only suggested, or the legs ended in a point, rather than feet, so the figure could be stuck in the ground.
His two front legs ended in clawlike feet, also like that bird of prey.
Each of its legs could move with five degrees of freedom; they ended in disk-shaped feet.
It had short, stubby legs ending in flat, web-shaped feet.
Its long, tapering coltish legs ended in small hoof feet.
The legs of the hadrosaurs were strong and heavy, ending in three-toed, hooved feet.
But these beasts were built lower to the ground, with four thick legs splayed out to the side and ending in massive blunt-clawed feet.