Yesterday it provided the details of the cuts, which were at the high end of analysts' estimates.
Works sold for strong prices at Christie's too; half the sales were above or at the upper end of their estimates.
Borden also predicted that 1994 earnings should fall in at the "upper end" of Wall Street's estimates, ranging between 75 cents and $1 a share.
The company reported a 21 percent decline in third-quarter earnings and warned that its fourth-quarter profits would fall at the low end of analysts' estimates.
Even without the currency losses, Apple earnings were at the low end of analysts' estimates.
In addition, he said, the first-quarter earnings were at the low end of analysts' estimates.
Shares of Fleet Financial, whose earnings came in on the high end of analysts' estimates, were off 25 cents at $42.125.
The earnings were at the low end of analysts' estimates and contained several factors that Wall Street viewed negatively.
Technology stocks came under pressure after Digital Equipment's earnings came in at the low end of analysts' estimates.
The latest quarterly results were in line with the low end of analysts' estimates, which ranged from 31 cents to 34 cents a share.