No end to the quest of his lifetime!
The fact was, it had only been Heinrich's old age that had protected him toward the end of his lifetime.
All major technetium-99m producing reactors were built in the 1960s and are close to the end of their lifetime.
However, by the end of the furnace's lifetime, other problems had become apparent.
At the end of a nuclear plant's lifetime, the plant must be decommissioned.
The star is nearing the end of its lifetime on the main sequence, and will soon begin the transition into a red giant.
The new memory unit replaced one that was nearing the end of its planned operational lifetime.
Towards the end of his lifetime, John the Rich found himself in financial difficulties.
At the end of its lifetime it is rolled out and slows down the spacecraft.
This is good reason why regular computers are nearing the end of their lifetime for many people.