They cannot ignore the electorate's clear desire to end Iran's international isolation.
Vietnam is also eager to end its international isolation.
The move was seen as part of the continuing attempts to end Albania's international isolation.
And the request for help is yet another indicator of Iran's desire to end its diplomatic isolation.
This essentially ended the kibbutz's isolation and opened the door to its development.
"In doing so, they will gradually end their isolation and become an integral part of the world's financial community."
However, the new government that took office after November 2010 elections has embarked on reforms to try to end its international isolation.
Their presence was seen as a small but potentially significant attempt by Iraq to end its diplomatic isolation.
Tripoli is showing signs of wanting to end its international isolation.
This industry started around 1950, as the country's political makeup changed and ended the country's isolation from the rest of the world.