The Tribute was discontinued at the end of the 2011 model year, replaced by the Mazda CX-5 in 2012.
He returned to left-back towards the end of his career, replaced at centre-half by a young Brian Labone.
The cassette was in the end replaced by the compact disc.
In 1933, the world that had created Schoenberg came to an end, replaced by a realm of spiritual infidelity unprecedented in human history.
It was closed at the end of 2011, being replaced by Charles La Trobe College.
The EB-2 was discontinued at the end of 1961, being replaced by the EB-3.
They continued to sleep together, but much of the passion had fled on her end, replaced with a kind of fearful awe.
The stadium was razed during the 1970s, the south end being replaced with the Singletary Center for the Arts.
The Slant-6 engine was dropped from the rest of the Dodge truck line at the end of the 1987 model year, replaced by the 3.9 V6.
The sunny days had come to an end, replaced by the dismal slues and endless rain of Asian monsoons.