The treaty ended the independence of the Orange Free State and Steyn's term as its president.
Her death effectively ended the relative independence of Mercia.
The transaction would end the independence of Netscape but clearly bolster America Online and Sun.
So ended the independence of the petty city-state of Harar after less than two centuries.
A deal would end the independence of Fleming, one of Britain's last privately held banks.
In 1848, a new constitution ended the almost-complete independence of the cantons, and transformed Switzerland into a federal state.
The deal, the first foray for Tyco outside its normal business lines, would end the independence of one of the last free-standing commercial finance companies.
For New Jersey, the deal ends the independence of the state's largest bank.
A year later Caracalla ended the independence of Osroene and incorporated it as a province into Roman Empire.
In 1988, he ended the independence of judges and the attorney general.