The sleek ship ended up in a position just above the Cook.
But the chances are the head will end up in a slightly different position.
If there is unanimity to vote these people out and make changes, I think he will end up in a strong position.
Sure, a head start in those areas makes it more likely that you'll end up in a position of leverage.
How the hell did he end up in a sitting position?
Players who fail to do so, and concentrate instead on holding the line against enemy attack, will likely end up in a weak position.
She ends up in a position of power in the hotel.
Fortunately for him (and us) he ended up in a powerful position to share his tastes.
One or both of the babies may end up in a less than perfect position as that's the only way they can make room.
"The real concern is they could end up in a position where they can't support the labor force."