But was it really Scotty's engineering prowess that endeared him to fans?
This also did not endear him to fans as some of them felt that he chose his club over his country.
This simply is not a Devils market, despite success that should endear them to fans east of the Hudson.
This does not endear him to fans, who regularly side with their favorite teams and not individual players.
But he has done plenty to endear himself to fans and teammates in the preseason.
Their character endeared them to fans, and attendance reached a record high the following season.
Though the underdogs, the team scores a series of victories that endear them to the media, and new fans.
He does not inspire affection or endear himself to fans outside the Bay Area.
"I would tell them I'm really happy," he said, with the understated grace that endears him to fans here and everywhere.
"It's touching, That's just the kind of story that endears someone like you to fans."