Yes, yes, but what about the immediate problem: this endless barrage of stickers?
People are always sending me email, saying, "Matthew, with your endless barrage of smarm and near incoherence, we never really get to learn anything about you."
The most pressing problem, he decides, is that television's endless barrage of imagery crowds out quiet contemplation.
To the Editor: One reads the endless barrage of articles each day about the Iraq war with dismay.
It seems the endless barrage of spam can wear down even the most hardened ruler.
When she tried to close the site, what she got was an endless barrage of pop-up ads for pornography sites.
The lawyer in Sandy almost screamed out an endless barrage: Did Patrick know they were close behind him?
For at least a month before Christmas we were subjected to an endless barrage of ads for fattening festive foods.
Mrs. Malaprop's endless barrage of ill-chosen words is the obvious example.
In a similar way, a seemingly endless barrage of hyped television commercials has helped make us the victims of "exaggeration fatigue."