Only the endless beating, and the endless pain.
There the orb danced blue danced white Swelled like a heart in its endless beating (They let me hold it I brought them back).
The more she listened, the more she was reminded of the endless beating of the waves upon a desolate beach.
He remained aggressive despite an endless physical beating.
Bad things keep happening to him: scalding baths, endless beatings, eventual self-mutilation.
In his 1984 book, "Hijack," he described watching executions and endless beatings in Cuban prisons.
Jon Greene was beginning to find the endless beating of the air dull and purposeless.
It was like an endless beating, until my bones thrummed with it and I had a headache the size of Idaho in the middle of my forehead.
In prison, Liao's defiance of authority earned him endless beatings, and with them the baffled respect of his fellow inmates, who lovingly nicknamed him the Big Idiot for his stubborn unwillingness to shut up.