Hence Mr. Quinn makes an oblique contribution to an endless controversy among historians.
The location of Igbanke in Edo State has continued to generate endless controversies.
This is the cause of endless controversies in economic theory about "how much to spend, and how much to save".
As a result, they have been the subject of endless controversy and countless comparisons.
It became harder for her to maintain a balance on the high wire, especially when the W.P.A. wearied of the endless controversies and began to withdraw its support.
Age estimates for the universe have fluctuated wildly in recent years, varying between 10 billion and 20 billion years, and have provoked endless controversy.
Fourth the government printed "greenbacks"-paper money-which led to endless controversy because they caused inflation.
Its premises caused endless legal controversy.
She wrote columns, stunned radio audiences, created endless controversy.
It struck down legislative malapportionment, legalized abortion, outlawed prayer in public schools and unleashed endless controversy.