Free and wild, the tribes roved over the grass sea, warring on themselves and each other in endless feuds and conflicts.
He hated the endless and futile feuds.
"I'm hoping to end their endless feud," said Hera in her guileful way.
It was a fact that Italians-northern Italians, especially-were prone to endless and ultimately futile feuds and vendettas.
Instead, for many Russians, the idea of democracy has been degraded by endless political feuds.
Once a lovely maiden, Charybdis was loyal to her father in his endless feud with Zeus.
Well, at least our northern marches are secure-anyway, secure as they've ever been, considering the temper and endless feuds of the Borderers.
There is little drama - mostly academic infighting, endless feuds over the meaning of the fossils - in most of the years back in Europe.
Unfortunately, this often resembles an endless feud.
She decided not to do so, she said, fearing it would set off the kind of endless feud that has decimated other townships.