The British are afraid of getting stuck in endless fighting, like the conflicts in Cyprus or Northern Ireland.
If their current mission didn't work out, there might not be any industry at all, just endless fighting among the ruins.
There is the endless Shiite-Sunni fighting.
The second chapter is shot in black-and-white and depicts the devastation in the city of Grozny, the Chechen capital, brought on by years of endless fighting.
The low international price of oil, mismanagement by a one-party Government and endless fighting have ruined the economy, United Nations officials say.
Weary from the endless fighting, Ittō struggles along the road and eventually finds shelter in a shack.
Now the endless fighting would be over.
The three Russian commandos, all hard-bitten veterans of the endless fighting in Chechnya, were members of a special long-range reconnaissance group.
The individual warrior could thus count on temporary relief, rather than endless fighting until death or crippling injury.
He'd used it all up and more, in the endless fighting.